Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Love of All Things French

All of you know about My Love of All Things French and especially my love for All Things Parisian, well I stumbled across the short little video which sums up why I love Paris so much and why I am DESPERATE to get back there next year!!



Thursday, July 28, 2011

The End of an Era....

Well tomorrow is the day when it all comes to an end.... The End of an Era!!!

Tomorrow Livo says good bye to 2 of its favourite friends, K-Dogg and Allsopp! One of them is going on to lead another group to success whilst the other it taking on new challenges with a whole new team in a different location. Although back in June, Livo also had to say good bye to another of its favourite friends Panda. These amazing individuals have become my family and I think I might shed a couple of tears tomorrow when they walk out the door for the final time.

They have supported me through all my training and have given me advice when I needed, a shoulder to cry on when I have thought the world has come to an end, given me many, many, many laughs and have helped me grow as a travel consultant and as a person.  Even though I am saying good bye to them as team mates, I am not saying good bye to them for good.  They will be life long friends and sadly for them, they can't get rid of me THAT easily!!!

BUT Livo is will still led by the ever fearless leader Hip-Dogg! And now Livo has gained 2 new friends and 1 previous friend who has returned for further glory.  Exciting times ahead..... New team, New goals, New journey!!! BOUND FOR GLORY 2011/2012!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Facebook Addiction

"Hi, I'm Bek, and I am a Facebook addict"

Ok why have I developed this addiction? I remember when My Space and Bebo were the be all and end all.  I remember when I REFUSE to join Facebook as I thought my life was full enough with those previous 2 (I even remember when other friends joined and tried to convince me to join and I said I would NEVER join) Alas I caved in when my best friend in Queensland sent me a Facebook joining request, and thought it would be a great way to stay in tough with her.  Little did I know what I was going to be in for.....

At first, I thought it was a great way to stay in touch with my friends back home while I was away in Europe and a great way to stay in touch with my friends that I had met whilst in Europe.  Then it became about finding long lost friends from primary school and/or high school or previous job.  Then it became about uploading hundreds and thousands of photos and tagging EVERYONE in the photos, even though they hate the photo and BEG you to untag them!  Then sadly it became about playing those damn application games... stupid things like making your own zoo, or amusement park, and Mafia wars and farmville!!! Thank god I managed to get over those, time in my life I will never get back!!

NOW I have become addicted to seeing what people are up to constantly.  I love those people who update their statuses multiple times a day! I tried one day while at work a year or so ago , to update my status every hour, but got bored about half way through the day.... It's like sitting in a cafe and people watching, except it's from the comfort of my own home.  I love the fact that I can find out what my friends are doing all over the world, to see my friends who have gotten married or had children, to see my friends travel photos and to be able to catch up with my family that I don't get to see enough, but honestly what am I so addicted to checking my News Feed to find out what someone has checked into the movies or that someone has had a bad day at work and wants to share that with the Facebook World.

I have to look at Facebook everyday.  When did this happen? It has become so much worse since I acquired my iphone back a couple of years ago.  It's become to easy to be able to check it all the time.  If I'm waiting for someone or something, I check it. Before I go to sleep, I check it. When I wake up, I check it.  When did this happen to me??  If I don't check it, I feel like I am missing out on something.

Does anyone else "suffer" from this addiction????

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Welcome to the World According to Bek

Welcome to the World According to Bek! This is my 1st attempt at a blog and honestly, I have absolutely no idea what I am going to write about on here? (although my friends say otherwise) I guess I'll be able to share my thoughts on life, love, shopping, travel, work, friendships, food - everything that is important to me!

What is important in your life can be a tough question to ask yourself.  We know the superficial things that we love that make the world go round, but do we ever stop and think about how lucky we are. We take every day things for granted but there are many, many people around the world that have the simple priorities, like finding a place to sleep, finding food and water and just plain surviving day to day.

Time to stop and think....