Whilst on my train journey home today after a LONG day at expo, I had time to reflect on my life and realised I have some pretty amazing people in my life:
- My boyfriend James, who loves me no matter what!
- My AMAZING 5 besties; Chenoa, Poonam; Bec and Sian who I love spending time with and always make me feel amazing (if if I don't feel it)
- My awesome FCL training buds; Kelly, Kelly, Leilani, Hannah, Brooke, Renee and Ash - I love being able to catch up with you and having a good ol' chat
- My FCL team mates, ex team mates and friends I have made since I started working for FCL! You are always so supportive and put up with me when I'm stressed out, or having a random moment of craziness.
Old friends and new, I am truly grateful for having each and everyone of you in my life and I guess I don't say it enough but I love you all loads and loads. My life is truly better with you in it!!!
"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."
Love your face honey! Friends make everything better :) and you always do for me too. xx