Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I apologise in advance for my rant but I have to get it off my chest!!! (it doesn't have a lot to do with weight loss, well not really??)

Ok so tonight, I meet my friend at the South Perth foreshore for a quick 30 minute walk for our daily exercise routine, to come back and find that someone HAS BROKEN INTO MY CAR!!!!! I am trying to do the right thing and exercise and not even that is sacred!!!!

They stole the Guess handbag my boyfriend bought me in Bali, along with my Guess purse in it (and obviously everything associated with a full purse), my tiffany's ring was also in there which I had taken off to exercise.  They also stole my Guess carry on bag which had my stinky work uniform in, but the bag also had sentimental value as it's been on every holiday with me since 2007.

Seriously, what is wrong with people these days.  Everyone is at the South Perth foreshore, minding their own business and you can't even do that without people taking advantage. I'm guttered, I work hard to buy nice things and am lucky to be able to do that, and it's taken from you....

It puts me off wanting to exercise, and makes me wanna go and eat a whole block of chocolate and cry myself to sleep!!!!

Why do bad things always happen to good people???????

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